Our Foundational Game Plan


Creating New Paths

"To Fix Things We Need to Build New Models That Make the Existing Ones Obsolete!”
When The Pieces Come Together Everyone Prospers!

Eight Foundational 'Puzzle Pieces'

1. Taking Care of Business


Become a well-informed group of men. Boy, all of us will have no choice but to digest a tremendous amount of information challenging most of what we've been taught. Pursuing THE TRUTH will help all of us!Following Constitutional Law to the 'letter' 'Backstop' members and business ownersPrepare our families for coming global events on the horizon

Becoming well-informed begins by knowing who's 'poisoning' Ottawa County.

2. Learning Constitutional Law & Civic Responsibility


Each of Us Has a God-given Responsibility & Civic Duty.The Only Peaceful Solution Following Constitutional Law to the letter. It's an Action Plan for WE THE PEOPLE to To Make The Needed 'Course Correcti Unfortunately, we've been neglecting them expecting others to do it for us. ons' To Eliminate the 'Root Cause' of Many Problems!Wait intil you find out how 'off course' we are!

3. Physical Health


Optimal health begins by asking good questions and then discovering the answers! The pathway to become your own 'medical expert'! What you don't know about God's design of your body is detrimnetal to your personal health! Find out why!You'll learn why it’s never too late or too early to improve your health and your body was designed to heal itself with the right support! Take control of your health with the right education!


You’ve been bombarded with heavy metals and toxins all your life; it's coming from the air, food, and water. They accumulate in the body and affect multiple organs and systems destroying your health!Education is the key! (the kind everyone can understand) Yes, it’s in your best interest to find out what you don’t know!Learn from a top biochemist and a health scientist about the problem, the solution and why it’s the best step anyone can take to make dramatic improvements in their health!

4. Financial Health/Personal Growth Opportunities


Make connections with men from a wide range of experience and skillsets. Be part of a business directory creating a new 'economic ecosystem' of innovative small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Global banking will go through the greatest change in all of history!
Leverage the knowledge, expertise and experience of all the members.


The MyEmpowermentZone Academy teaches the fundamental principles of success for everyone regardless of their background. Helps people overcome economic ignorance once and for all. Learn how wealth created and why there's unlimited potential. Global banking will go through the greatest change in all of history! 40+ years of experience crammed into 24 months. Teaching social entrepreneurship to grow personal income.It’s better to create something that others criticize than create nothing and criticize others. Let's all go create and have fun!


Strategic sales & marketing training for small businesses and entrepreneurs. An online academy created from the training in a $40,000 Weeklong LIVE Bootcamp. Information you'll never get from a marketing degree.This is for the small business you own, the small business you want to start or the business that employs you! Everyone should have this foundation to innovate and maximize their results!
When you complete our Marketplace Domination Secret Academy, we'll invite you to live workshops on Ottawa County! Business innovation + a listing in our Business Directory!


5. Emotional Health


- The ugliest parts of your story are the most powerful 'keys' to unlock other people's 'prison.'- 90% of all the pain we experience is due to 'trapped' emotions!- Don’t Ignore or Bury It! - You are not alone!


A Personal Journey

Coming soon!


For people struggling with depression, pornography, anger, bitterness, or any other power that has control over your life with no where to turn.Set Free Ministries is completely donor funded. There are no fees charged, assuring every hurting person has complete access to the Healer, Jesus Christ.Financial support allows all three ministry branches to reach tens of thousands of individuals around the world with the message of freedom and hope.

6. 2A Constitutionally Granted Rights & Firearm Training

Learn about firearm safety and your second amendment.

7. Loving Our Neighbors - See a need and meet it!


At MentorMe of West MI., they strongly believe that when students have a consistent, positive adult presence in their lives, not only will our society improve drastically, but also, more importantly, souls will be won for the Kingdom of God. Students from broken homes often experience increased challenges in mental & emotional health, academic performance, and social development. As a Christian man or woman, a Mentor will have a powerful impact on a student's life and may just be one of the few people who share and walks out the gospel with and for the student. This is our highest and greatest calling.

8. We Love Our Veterans